Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart & Lean Not On Your Own Understanding,In All Your Ways,Acknowledge Him & He Shall Make Your Path Straight.
yay!no need go school anymore till next year man!
looking forward to this sat's outreach:)
we're having . . .
CAPTAIN's BALL - 4 to 6pm
RUGBY -4 to 6pm
VOLLEY BALL -4 to 6 pm
[captain's ball, ultimate frisbie, rugby & volleyball held at sports park while soccer is at ST.Wilfred Field]
SOCCER -1 to 3 pm
LAST OF ALL!Movie Night:)! watching KungFu Hustle!:)
thanks to the kids that were using Peace & Patience rm yesterday,we end up using the Foyer for our WG! sat in a circle for our worship:) the guys were lucky,both their leaders came! my leader NICOLE TAN WAI MUN was sick so we combined with Grace's grp:) Waited with Mag for Clarissa,wait until wanna go crazy alr,that mag keep complaining she super hungry then when we went to th food court,she's not hungry anymore!how i wanna strangle her to death man! she said i'm mad,keep focussing on someone that wore the same shirt twice to church in a row[i mean its like,who wont notice right?]. They Sang My Fav Song" GIVE US CLEAN HANDS':) erm...thr is another reason why i liked that song:) a very special wish:)
i kinda dunno what should i do year is going by soon yea. . .right...none of this years are wonderful but i'm glad secondary school life is ending soon...just one more year & everything is the past alr:D haas. . .i'm glad. . .just one more year things will fall back into its original place. . .then i'm done. i'll let go of everything,start my life anew again. . .with a new aim. . . i had been thinking wat cause should i take next time? Hospitality?Psychology? i kinda love both so gotta make a choice sooner or later man. . .hahas... that it.

alright,this picture means alot alot to me alright:).
The girl beside me is NICOLE TAN. she had been with me all the time and help me through many many things.although i might doubt our friendship,she's always trying to convince me that she'll be my fren now & always & nothing can destroy this friendship.she even told me that GOOD FRIENDSHIP can withstand the test of time:).
i had even asked her a few time of wat she think of me and what kind of girl am i to her. she said that i might look strong on th outside but is very sweet & sentimental on th inside. is it th truth?am i really like this?can someone give me th answer?! how can it be!? i dunwan to be like this. i must make sure i look strong on the outside and inside as well!

All About Maygan!
The Name Is
Maygan Adelle Ho
God Gave Me That Name So DON'T Change It. Thank You.
10thDecember1994 Is My Day:P
I Am HIS Disciple
Lord, Teach Me To Be Faithful.
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Holy, Righteous, Faithful To The End, Saviour, Healer, Redeemer & Friend.
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lord, i'm amazed by You.