sometimes life DO suck. What I See In You Is Not Ur Look Or Wateva But I Just Dunno Wat is it i see in you. But I Know Its Usually The Heart ppl see. But You? i dunno. You Being Safe & Sound Is Enough Alr.

Recovered From Fever & Body ache. Hell,i was in lots of pain man!suffered for 2 days & now i'm down with flu!
wth is this! sick out of all the time! so pissed off:(
kinda miss my church frens now. Daddy says by this year we might be able to go America but i'm not sure if i wanna go as there a certain things i cant let go of & i'm worry about.a certain someone.but cant hold on forever.gotta let go when its time to let use holding on to something that are no meant to be mine. might as well,get a life & move on. but its really not easy at all. just hope that i'll be able to do it without messing things up again. i make a aperson hate me by glaring & rolling my eyes at he/she. so maybe i'll use that way to make he/she hate me then it'll be easier for me to let go.