sometimes you just feel sad for no apparent reason. like there is no aim in your life. you don't knw whr you're heading to. but with your smile, you brighten up my day.
gosh, this gal in the picture is not my WGL anymore. but i'm really blessed to have a leader like her. she's really awesome. she's the reason i've come so far. i've learned so much from her. she taught me not to look down on myself and that failing once doesn't mean its the end. thank you for the time we had together nicole tan!
been texting esther and now we talked about how we cant stand guys that doesn't bath! how gross is that?! D:

OMG!? can i have your clothes!?
i realised i sucks at controlling my temper. i get affected damn easily. cant blame me, i'm born with this kind of temper which is uncontrollable. i'm trying my best to control it&watch the words that comes out from my mouth especially since they're nasty words.they're not normal nasty, they're damn nasty!i realised i offend ppl easily due to this temper. i'll try my best to put it under control¬ lose temper over minor stuffs. i'm wondering why do i behave differently when i'm in school&church. lets talk abt "VOICES" first. we're all sinners but we trust and believe in God.They're all my brothers&sisters in Christ. we communicate easier i guess? like befriending samuel,marcus,zoe,joanna&rissa:D its a great joy knowing them! then ppl from sch is you've seen them for nearly 4 years, run out of topic to talk abt. they're quite nice but they get on your nerves damn easily. like don't know when to shutup. well, but they're also thr for me when i needed them. BIGGEST THANKS TO ESTHER PANG for always being thr!:D
Gosh! it was damn damn damn awesome!well serving 3 services was really a killer. now i'm having body ache&flu D: yes,my feet are feaking sore from the walking from 7 to 2 plus! one good thing!:D mummy's really happy! i'm really glad she's happy. well yeah...when road marshals opened the taxi door for her!>< she was shocked when i told her who were the road marshals!:D but definitely impressed!:) during in-between free time,talked to MARCUS TAN,no,i mean argue. don't know whats his problem,we're arguing abt RESPECT. Embarassing thing is he doesn't know how to say RESPECT in chinese so went to ask Rissa. can't believe her doesn't know D:! but ueah, we definitely have lots of fun! knowing more friends,hanging around,chatting,catching up etc. we're not web anymore, we're VOICES!:D

All About Maygan!
The Name Is
Maygan Adelle Ho
God Gave Me That Name So DON'T Change It. Thank You.
10thDecember1994 Is My Day:P
I Am HIS Disciple
Lord, Teach Me To Be Faithful.
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Holy, Righteous, Faithful To The End, Saviour, Healer, Redeemer & Friend.
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lord, i'm amazed by You.